Dip your toes into the New Frontier!

Don’t have time for reading a whole novel? Were you born into the Millennial Generation? Got a bad case of the ol’ ADHD? Well, have I got a deal for you! Just hop on over to the Alpha Shorts section and sample one of our delicious, easy to use, self-cleaning, low fat, gluten-free short stories and see what all the fuss is about.

Still too many words for the modern reader? Then go try a gooey slice of Hypershorts! Sure to please even the most distracted of today’s busy, busy readers.

Can’t handle even handle five hundred words? Then we have just what the doctor ordered; Microshorts! Stories for those who can barely string a sentence together or hold a thought in their head!

All finished? Tell us what you think! Too many swear words? Too few? Know one we haven’t thought of? Spot a typo? Spot a gaggle of typos? Think Jack is an idiot? Then drop us a line! We’d love to hear from you at IronCrossPress@ironcrosspublishing.com