Just a little deuce coupe with a flathead mill, but she’ll walk a Thunderbird like she’s standing still. She’s ported and relieved and she’s stroked and bored, she’ll do a hundred and forty with the top end floored!

Just a little deuce coupe with a flathead mill, but she’ll walk a Thunderbird like she’s standing still. She’s ported and relieved and she’s stroked and bored, she’ll do a hundred and forty with the top end floored!
Can someone help me,
Get this off,
My swollen fat head?
I’ve got no strings to hold me down, to make me fret or make me frown. I had strings, but now I’m free! There are no strings on me!
Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream! Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life ends in death.
If you love them, set them free! Swim in a new Micro Short! but wait thirty minutes after eating! Where? Right here!
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Try a new Micro Short! before you pass out! Where? Right here!
Hope floats. Love sinks. Try a new Hyper Short! before the beer goggles kick in! Where? Right here!