This. Will. Hurt. You. Try a new Hyper Short! before you’re too drunk to read right here!

This. Will. Hurt. You. Try a new Hyper Short! before you’re too drunk to read right here!
“You love that phone more than you love me!” she said.
He looked squarely at her and said coolly, “Yes, I do. It does more for me than you ever could.”
A short time later, he watched as her ship dwindled from sight and looked at his phone, “No goddamn signal,” he said and sighed.
“It’s not you, it’s me,” she said. “I just need to be alone for a while.”
I said understood and left her on an asteroid.
“It really is you, you prick!” I heard her scream as my ship passed beyond the range of her suit’s radio.
“I need some time for me,” he said so I respected his wishes. I threw him out of the airlock and told him to take all the time he needed.
We needed to spend more time together if we were going to make it work, that’s what we agreed on. I crashed our ship on an airless bit of rock in the outer asteroid belt and now we have all the time in the world. At least until our air runs out.